Student Management CRM

Give your college a boost with a Student Management CRM


Before the “Age of University,” as some historians call it, many students graduated from school and jumped straight into a job without the thought of studying further. This trend has lapsed and is becoming less popular as generations progress.

Students are becoming more aloof and understanding of the benefits of studying further. They are increasingly becoming more aware of how tertiary education is instrumental in fostering growth and innovation and reducing poverty, and because we live in such a competitive world, they acknowledge that having a tertiary education is vital to being more employable.

Due to these factors, the demand for quality higher education has never been more popular. Colleges need to adapt and equip themselves with not only providing the best education but giving the best student experience possible, from enrolment all the way through to graduation. With so many colleges jumping on the technology bandwagon to showcase their capability, what sets you apart?

With the rising need to cater to the fast-growing education industry, having a Student Management CRM that enhances your learner sales journey and allows you to convert every enquiry into an enrolment is vital to the success of your college.

 How can you stand out from the crowd and give students the best possible student experience? Let’s take a closer look.

Convert Enquiries Into Enrolment With A Student Management CRM

Getting students intrigued is the easy part, but keeping them intrigued may be a little more tricky. First things first, ensure that your admissions process is as seamless and simple as possible. Tuning your processes to the prospective learners’ needs who are buying into your organisation’ s value can revolutionise  enrolments. To do this as efficiently as possible, make sure you have a student management CRM system to ensure new enrolments flow through with minimal effort. The more steps and complexity you add to the process increases friction and the chance of a learner falling out of your sales process.

Say NO to a high bounce rate with Sales+, a complete Sales Management tool for the education industry designed to simplify the receiving and processing of online enquiries and applications.

Make First Impressions Count With A Student Management CRM

The sales journey can differ across colleges. However, no matter its structure, first impressions are so important. At the discovery stage, a potential learner at your college browses for the right course and generally is deciding if your college is right for them based on location, pricing, courses offered, etc. Because these factors are all subjective, it is vital to have a good online presence, to be findable on Google and other sites in an effort to drive traffic to your website.

Everyone has a website, but building a good functional website isn’t easy. There are various factors that must be taken into account such as maintaining the website with the relevant courses, keeping up with intakes, contact forms, updating content, notifications, payments, etc

Having a Student Management CRM that removes the hassle that comes with building a website can be costly, especially since most CRMs are generic.

If you’re looking to convert RTO leads, choosing the right student management CRM is your best step forward. Let us show you how Sales+ can meet all these needs and support your process.

Reduce Friction With A Seamless Checkout Process

‘Purchase friction’ occurs when learners get stuck between the awareness stage and the purchase stage.  A wide range of delays and inconveniences in the prospective learner’s experience can cause them to abandon their journey. This can be caused by actors such as;

  • Cluttered or crowded layouts
  • Too much copy
  • Poor site structure and navigation
  • Poor form design
  • Asking too much too soon
  • Weak feedback mechanisms

To avoid purchase friction, make sure your college enrolment site is easy to navigate and allows students to apply for a course quickly. Choose a student management CRM that makes provision for eCommerce pricing fields, which gives students the ability to select and pay for courses immediately simply by adding a course to their basket.

Once students make up their mind about a course, they want it and you want to be able to cater to this need. Take Amazon for example. This multinational technology company has one of the most seamless checkout processes, ensuring clients don’t think twice when making a purchase.

To get to this level, use a Student Management CRM that provides seamless website course publication and marketing.

Reduce The Unwanted Bounce Rate

Contemporary students are presented with various online platforms that provide seamless experiences. From booking flight tickets to shopping online, students and individuals, in general, have an idea of when they’re having a good online experience.

Because experience is the determining factor of many things, including bounce rate, it is paramount to provide the best experience possible. Students can find multiple reasons to bounce from your website if the experience is not up to par. Providing an overall good user experience for your students will contribute to a desired low bounce rate.

In an effort to provide the best student experience, opt for a student management CRM that.

  • Is Scalable
  • Provides Automation
  • Is Easily Configurable
  • Offers Customisable Styling
  • Can Manage Billing Payments

These beneficial features will allow you to focus on getting your website content ready, without any further hassle, all while ensuring the best possible student experience is provided.

Keen to take your college to the next level? Take a look at how a student management CRM designed just for the education industry can elevate your college and enrolment experiences!

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