Software Translation

How Software Translation Operates


Software translation is challenging; it entails more than just language skills. While it’s difficult to translate accurately by looking at a text, it’s even more difficult to decode instructions and ideas if you need more understanding. So how do software translations operate? This article aims to help you understand more than just how software translation works.

Resource File and Binary File Translation

Translators normally operate with binary files or resource files. Resource files are individual non-compiled which contain software code strings that may be edited by the translators using a text editor, cat tools (Computer-assisted translation), or a resource editor. In contrast, binary files are compiled programs that can be edited using a unique tool like a binary editor.

Working with resource files may be challenging as keeping track of every translation made is quite challenging. The translators are unable to see their translation results on the user interface. There is also a possibility that translators may make unwitting alterations to software codes. However, translation companies operate with resource files because they do not need to use unique editors and expensive software localization tools. Some do it because they competently have skills in working with software codes.

Translating with binary files is simple though it needs special tools and editors. You can utilize localization tools such as WYSIWYG for this translation. With these tools, you can avoid unnecessary modifications in the software code. In addition, you can view context information in the binary files.

Actual Translation Process

Once the translation project’s aim and parameters are set, the translation phase begins. You can compare the whole process to how video game translation operates. Everything goes through a meticulous process. The localization service provider needs to employ a multi-step translation procedure that includes initial editing, translation and proofreading steps. The translators may work with binary files or resource files in this case. In other cases, they operate with videos, graphics and audio. This technique is applied in translate on the go; it combines character recognition and translation skills. You only need to point your phone’s camera at whatever you need to translate, and it gets, translates and then posts the translated texts on the fly.

After the translation, editing and proofreading stages, the output is released for quality analysis; if any issues are found, they are corrected, and another quality analysis is done. When everything is ready, the stage of back conversion then sets in. the files are converted to their original format; for example, if the image element or software audio also has to be translated, they are turned to the design the client wants. Everything is finalized and then sent to the client.

Final Output

The final output sent to the client then depends on the client’s wants. The translation is completed by a new language version of the software and the edited resource files capable language service providers with savvy programming translators, such as world wide chat software, go beyond and above translation. They implement changes or improvements in the software and integrate language selectors into its user interface. It ensures users can use various select languages when using the software.

Final Thoughts

Translation software works differently, and understanding how they operate will help us understand how we interact with them. You can always learn more about software translators by visiting our website.

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